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Set by Brand Opus in London, this brief tasked us to design a functional drinks brand that's centred around emotional wellbeing.

I devised a drinks brand that encourages the consumer to focus more on the present moment, being mindful of where they are right now and being appreciative of their surroundings and of the universe. The name 'Aurora' was inspired by Iceland's Northern Lights, AKA the Aurora Borealis, a natural phenomenon to which everyone pauses and stops to appreciate. My brand aims to inspire the consumer to do the same whilst enjoying a new, tasty and refreshing beverage. 


Each can features different mindfulness activities and quotes on the reverse of the packaging that encourage the consumer to be in the present moment.


The cans design aims to encapsulate the calming movement of the Aurora. This flows across the front of the cans and also the reverse.


Poster signage which could be seen in a busy city environment to promote the new brand.

An animated advertisement that offers an insight into my brands essence, that could be featured on billboards and social media.


Illustrations that depict an outdoor exhibition event that brings the experience of the Aurora Borealis to the consumer. Visitors can views the calming light projections whilst enjoying a can of the new drink.

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